Anyone here who could help me with my ゆうちょう銀行 account set-up?

Hey, so I got some help opening an account at ゆうちょう銀行 when I first came to Japan about a month ago. I didn’t really use it until last week when I tried sending myself money from my bank account abroad, using Wise. Wise reported it couldn’t make the transfer and I should contact the bank. After some asking around among some acquaintances I found out apparently sometimes the account has to be specifically „activated“ by the bank. But also sometimes not. „It’s different for everyone“ someone told me.

So I don’t really know what to do now, to be honest. I went through the bank’s online FAQ, tried googling the issue and searched for customer support. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have email customer support – only phone. Now I can speak okay Japanese, but I don’t think it’ll suffice for that. So I‘m at a dead end. Do any of you guys have experienced similar and know what to do? I‘d appreciate any help

  1. I was able to transfer money to a Yucho account right after I set it up within a week of being here. Did you have all the correct information (i.e. bank code, exact name as in the 通帳)?

  2. Starting from May 6 2022, domestic bank transfers to a non-resident bank account at Japan Post Bank will be rejected.

    You have to wait 6 months, then ask them to change account type to resident account.
    Another option is to make another bank account other than yuucho.

    This happened to myself as I couldn’t receive transfer from my friend (711 bank), also unable to receive salary from office. Though in my case I already stayed for more than 6 months, so all I have to do is to go to post office and ask them to update it.

  3. Yeah I had to my detail verified or something, might be worth going to a nearby JP Post. They’ll give you a form to fill (I just used google translate when I did this). Just basic information like your address etc. If you don’t know what to say just say kaigai zoukin shi tai desu ga de ki nai desu. 海外送金したいですが、できないです。

    Also check this link out if you haven’t yet:

  4. you might need to input the SWIFT code first for international transfers

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