Moving to Japan for school?

Hello, I am currently 22 years old and a software engineer of 3 years. I currently lack a degree in software engineering but I am planning to attend a community college to study Japanese. Is it possible to go to a 2 year community college in the United States and transfer to a 4 year university in Japan? I’m pretty conflicted on what I should do if I wanna eventually move. I can finish the degree in the United States or move and finish it in Japan (if it’s possible). Also any advice for how much income you should generally have when considering moving? I am currently working for NTT data in America and I heard that it’s a Japanese company as well so I could possibly also try and take the work transfer route.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Moving to Japan for school?**

    Hello, I am currently 22 years old and a software engineer of 3 years. I currently lack a degree in software engineering but I am planning to attend a community college to study Japanese. Is it possible to go to a 2 year community college in the United States and transfer to a 4 year university in Japan? I’m pretty conflicted on what I should do if I wanna eventually move. I can finish the degree in the United States or move and finish it in Japan (if it’s possible). Also any advice for how much income you should generally have when considering moving? I am currently working for NTT data in America and I heard that it’s a Japanese company as well so I could possibly also try and take the work transfer route.

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  2. >Is it possible to go to a 2 year community college in the United States and transfer to a 4 year university in Japan?

    Generally speaking no it is not. There are a few rare exceptions though if you can find them. Some folks have mentioned them in this sub before.

    >I can finish the degree in the United States or move and finish it in Japan

    Generally speaking a software engineering degree from a US based university will be more useful than a software engineering degree from a Japan based university. I’d vote for completing your degree in the US.

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