Tricycle of 3 year old boy named Shin, who died 1,500 meters from the hypocenter of Hiroshima atomic bombing, 1945.

Tricycle of 3 year old boy named Shin, who died 1,500 meters from the hypocenter of Hiroshima atomic bombing, 1945.

  1. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is one of the best museums I’ve ever been to. It’s heavy. I always recommend people to visit it alone. The amount of human suffering on display here is overwhelming. I cried, a lot.

  2. “War is always a shame, disaster, painful and horrible”!

    No matter if the Bombs are from the USA, Japan, the UK, France, Russia or Germany!

    It is up to us to end this cruel stupidity.

    We must end the military-industrial Complex, worldwide!

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