Finding Japanese shows on global Netflix: Language Reactor catalogue + uNoGS (Netflix Global Search)

Say you want to find some shows to watch in Japanese. The Language Reactor catalogue has a bunch of them listed by popularity:


Say you find one like, say, 5 Centimeters Per Second. It says it’s available in 4 countries. But which countries? Here is where uNoGS comes in. Go here:


Search for 5 Centimeters Per Second then click on the first result. It will tell you exactly which 5 countries it’s in. You can filter by the VPN you use, and see exactly which ones have Japanese audio and subtitles. (In this case, the only country supported by NordVPN with both Japanese audio and subtitles is India. Yes seriously, India.)

Connect to the required country with your VPN, then click “Watch Now” on uNoGS to start playing.

I recommend you watch with the Language Reactor browser plugin which will let you see a transcript, add furigana, look up words, replay difficult lines of dialog, etc. You can grab that here:


Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

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