Any English teaching jobs in Okinawa

I’m looking for English teaching options in Okinawa.
Private schools, international schools, or BOE direct hires are of interest to me. I have lived in Japan for seven years now and I have been considering moving to Okinawa for some time now. I would greatly appreciate any advice or links to schools that might be hiring.

  1. Do you have any credentials/qualifications?


    Okinawa is dominated by JET for ALTs so you would need to be a JET for most ALT positions

    There are several international schools but they require qualifications

  2. Could be difficult but not impossible.
    Frankly speaking, international schools wouldn’t even look at your application, that is if it didn’t get filtered out in the first place.
    A good opportunity to start thinking about qualifications though (CELTA) and then take it from there.

  3. I live in Okinawa, so I’ll do my best to take this question. I’d say about 30-40% of the municipalities in Okinawa use direct hire ALTs, but as someone else mentioned, most postings have closed already. I applied to Naha, Yomitan, Kadena, Chatan, Onna, and Kin, and I may apply to Uruma, but I was offered a position for Kin so I’ll probably take that instead. There are several others that i didn’t apply to for various reasons, but I believe those are closed. Nago and Okinawa City haven’t posted anything I’ve seen, those both told me in person they do direct hire, so I’d check those two out if I were you. Also, Uruma has a deadline tomorrow, so keep that in mind.

    I also believe there’s some eikaiwa positions, but I’m not sure exactly where.

    Good luck!

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