How to say “Just take the compliment”?

One of my friends is super talented, & often times, when complimented would deviate it. We are friendly, so I don’t think it’ll be considered rude. But how do I phrase this?
Even if it can’t be phased non-seriously, it’s fine I’ll just say it in a joking tone.

  1. If you really want to something like 素直でいいじゃん maybe (assuming you speak casually with them)

  2. After they deflect it you can follow up with comments like 「本当にそう思う」(honto ni so omou, I really think so), or similarly 「本当に上手・すごい」 jozu, sugoi, talented / amazing). Take your pic of the adjective just make sure to use your voice to show sincerity

  3. As others have stated, deflecting compliments is good manners in Japanese. They probably KNOW what they did is good, which is why they’re showing it off. They’re happy you’re complimenting it.

    It also can be awkward if someone keeps heaping on praise when you’re turning it down. I hate when that happens to *me*, so I try not to do it to others.

    本当にそう/上手(etc)と思うけど or something could be away to press the issue slightly without being too forceful, then drop it.

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