I Made a Flashcard App that has Quizlet Write Mode and uses OpenAI to Generate Sentences

Video demonstration: https://v.redd.it/37n8d6dely3b1

# Motivation

Being an avid Japanese learner, I have always used Quizlet’s Write Mode for memorizing new 言葉 and I always felt that it was the best way to learn new words.

And not only with Quizlet’s Write Mode, but I also use ChatGPT to generate example sentences to improve my understanding. (When and how to use the 新しい言葉)

So using these 2 ideas, I have created this app!

Let me know what you guys think!

# Other features

I have other features that I plan to add, such as:
– Allow specifying language level (such as JLPT level) to tailor generated sentences to that level
– Allow search of other user’s flashcards
– Add offline support
– Add text to speech on flashcards and generated sentences
– Add voice recognition to practice speaking and pronunciation (Using WhisperAI)
– Add features from Anki (?)
– And many small QoL improvements…

# Links
Website: https://intellicards-app.vercel.app/ (Best viewed on mobile) \
GooglePlay App Store link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.intellicards.app \
IOS App Store: (Unfortunately I didn’t upload this app to the IOS App Store cus it costs $99/year to publish ☠️, maybe if there are more users I will in the future) \
For the tech bros: https://www.reddit.com/r/reactnative/comments/1405tid/made_a_flashcard_app_for_language_learning_and/

1 comment
  1. So the first sentence in your demo is “日本は世界で最も小さい国です”…

    I’m pretty sure there are resources that searches for and returns bunch of sentences that use a given word? At least they make sense rather than *that*.

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