Japan’s Kishida Orders Restart of Up to Nine Nuclear Reactors

Japan’s Kishida Orders Restart of Up to Nine Nuclear Reactors


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  2. I hope they took the time to ensure these plants are all conforming to safety standards and can withstand the worst-case scenario. Anyone know?

  3. And finally someone is going to deal with Japan’s electricity problem. A little late but better than never.

  4. If Japan is to meet any of its climate change targets as well, this is a welcome move.

  5. Based decision by Japan. 👍 LNG prices have skyrocketed…time to priority both clean energy and energy security. Nuclear energy is the way to go.

  6. some of the closures are ordered by the court so does this mean those 9 pinpointed have no court order?

  7. I guess nobody in the comments section here was around for 3.11

    In addition to the aftershocks ever 10-15 min we were all sitting around paralyzed with fear about a reactor blowing up and spreading fallout all over Tokyo and the country. Seriously, it was the most stressful time of my life ever.

    I’m not anti-nuclear power but it seems like Japan is not exactly the best place to build them with the potential for large earthquakes and tsunamis. Long term I’d rather see wind, solar, and possibly hydro power from the sea.

    If they want people onboard with nuclear power then they are probably going to have to build newer plants with better safety features in safer less populated locations.

  8. Great news. Moving towards energy independence (particularly from Russia) is critical for Japan (and other countries in the world) right now.

  9. LET’S GO, BOIZ.

    Not using the resources we have just because of Fukushima is like never dating again because of one shitty partner.

  10. Just put the damn generators above the tsunami line, and don’t let Tepco near them.

  11. Well, thank Cthulhu. If it takes a really stupid situation to make them FINALLY do this, that’s fine with me.

    Japan needs to go back to having most of our electricity nuclear-sourced.

  12. What most people seem to forget is that these are huge concrete buildings in a country that has near-daily small earthquakes and where any building over 30 years of age is regarded as unsafe because of cumulative damage and being 30 years out of date with the latest safety technology.

    What everyone seems to skip over when discussing Fukushima Daiichi is that it was 10 years overdue to be decomissioned when the disaster happened. It was built in 1971. Most of the reactors in Japan are operating way past their original “safe operating periods”.

    It will depend entirely on precisely which reactors they’re planning to power back up, but we all know that you can’t just slap some spackle and a coat of paint on the side of a nuclear reactor and call it safe. That’s just purest idiocy.

    The problem is complicated, but it boils down to the fact that everyone in the industry knows that these old reactors are unsafe and accidents waiting to happen, and the fact that no power company wants to invest the billions of dollars it would cost to build new ones when public opinion seems opposed to nuclear power. Also, why build new ones when running the old ones is still profitable – yes there is a huge element of greed here that again no-one is talking about.

    At the end of the day a little common sense is required. Japan isn’t going to transition across to renewable power overnight. For **at least** the next 30 years some percentage of nuclear power is going to be necessary. Probably the next 50 years.

    We can’t simply run these old reactors, which are already way past their safe operating periods, for another 30 to 50 years. Several new reactors are needed.

    This isn’t as simple as “nuclear energy is bad”, but is as simple as “old buildings are unsafe – particularly when they house massive amounts of energy”.

    What is important here is precisely which reactors they plan to restart and hold old they are.

  13. Good. Finally a intelligent move. It must be hard being a Japanese politician wanting to do something fast.


  15. It’s about time. It blows my mind that a few so-called “Environmentalists” claim that it would be better for Japan to burn fossil fuels than using the safest viable form of power we know.

  16. Great!
    Does anybody know why japan is not more dependent on renewables and geothermal energy given it’s blessed with lots of it ?

  17. Very smart move by Japan … nuclear energy helps with energy security (especially with the shortage in Europe) as well as in the energy transition to net zero.

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