Difficulty finding a room for one month

I am having some difficulties finding a room to stay in Tokyo for one month, under 80,000 JPY. I am a male international student attending a summer school at one of the main universities in Tokyo. I started applying early, and some properties said to apply around one month before the desired move in date. I’ve been sending inquiries for a few weeks now all the places seem to be full. I am using tokyosharehouse.com and tokyoroomfinder.com.
I’ve sent over 50 inquiries and have not received a single offer. When declining me, most landlords say they are giving priority to long term tenants. And even said to stop sending inquiries as it costs them money each time their agency receives and inquiry. I’m staring to get worried I will need to live in a hostel instead. Is it really this difficult to find a cheap room for 1 month, anywhere reasonably close to central Tokyo? How can I find a room?
On a side note, when I was applying for rooms in Seoul, there were so many choices of share houses with a very easy way to communicate with landlords and viewings via the website goshipages.com . Granted that was for 4 months, instead of 1, which I guess makes a big difference. I really thought finding a room in Tokyo would be similar if not easier, or at least there would be a similar website. Is there a similar website to goshipages.com for Tokyo?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Difficulty finding a room for one month**

    I am having some difficulties finding a room to stay in Tokyo for one month, under 80,000 JPY. I am a male international student attending a summer school at one of the main universities in Tokyo. I started applying early, and some properties said to apply around one month before the desired move in date. I’ve been sending inquiries for a few weeks now all the places seem to be full. I am using tokyosharehouse.com and tokyoroomfinder.com.
    I’ve sent over 50 inquiries and have not received a single offer. When declining me, most landlords say they are giving priority to long term tenants. And even said to stop sending inquiries as it costs them money each time their agency receives and inquiry. I’m staring to get worried I will need to live in a hostel instead. Is it really this difficult to find a cheap room for 1 month, anywhere reasonably close to central Tokyo? How can I find a room?
    On a side note, when I was applying for rooms in Seoul, there were so many choices of share houses with a very easy way to communicate with landlords and viewings via the website goshipages.com . Granted that was for 4 months, instead of 1, which I guess makes a big difference. I really thought finding a room in Tokyo would be similar if not easier, or at least there would be a similar website. Is there a similar website to goshipages.com for Tokyo?

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  2. >When declining me, most landlords say they are giving priority to long term tenants.

    It kinda seems like you already got your answer. Very few “real” housing options are going to want to deal with someone who’s only staying for a month.

    For a one-month stay you shouldn’t be looking at sharehouses anyways. That’s solidly in the realm of Airbnb/hotels/hostels.

  3. I’ve got no idea what the availability is for them but Japanese people in need of this sort of arrangement use a “weekly mansion” (“mansion” here having the french / older [meaning](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mansion)). I also don’t know if any of the weekly mansion sites will handle someone who’s not able to read/write Japanese.

  4. I spent about two months in a share house in Tokyo a few years ago, using the Borderless House platform. It was fun, but there was a move in fee which may make a one-month stay a bit expensive. [https://www.borderless-house.com/](https://www.borderless-house.com/)

  5. Oak House or Sakura House. Look for sharehouses, not traditional housing arrangements — and definitely don’t use conventional real estate sites.

  6. LeoPalace is the standard for temporary housing. Pretty sure their website has English interfaces too.

    Edit: I’m wrong.

  7. I’ve been in a love hotel for a month the last year and it was around 73.000, against 120.000ish in a conventional hotel. Probably you should take a look at it. It seems that some love hotel has this option for work reasons (that it was my case) .

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