JLPT N4 achievable in 5mo the?

Hello, I live in Japan since last year May and I have a full time job from 9 till 6, 5 days a week, so I can only study in the evenings an hour or two in my GENKI book. That said, I am at chapter 8 of Genki 1 and I mostly do one chapter a week. I have the JLPTN5 exam soon at the 2th of July. I am confident in passing this exam, since I did a practice test even before starting GENKI books and I passed already. BUT my question is… with my work schedule and all.. is N4 achievable in just 5 months? To take the exam in December? Or not?

  1. I think you will be totally fine because you have a lot of live experience with the language and N4 is supposed to be somewhat simple

  2. I think you will be totally fine because you have a lot of live experience with the language and N4 is supposed to be somewhat simple.

  3. It is very achievable, even if you are not living in Japan. Definitely recommend that you try to initiate conversations in Japanese even if you are not feeling confident. That way, it will speed up your learning process. I believe day-to-day conversations are more than enough to cover N4/N5 levels.

    Who knows, may be you will be good enough to take on N3 in December. がんばって!

  4. Why not see if you pass N5 and then assess your skill level when December sign ups open up?

  5. Absolutely. You can probably get N3 in 5 months as well. Beyond that I’d say it gets complicated.

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