Looking for a particular type of listening resource

I enjoy listening to Nihongo Con Teppei and Japanese With Shun, but those are podcasts where the speaker just speaks in Japanese (Shun tells you the new words afterwards).

Those are both great, I like them, but are there any where the speaker will read like a paragraph or story and then break it down after the fact? Like “Oh here I was talking about X, did you get that? Here’s this grammar point and how it’s used. This word means blah blah blah.”

  1. Japanese Ammo has some of that, but she has a pretty big variety of videos in general. She definitely does some grammar breakdowns on her “beginner” videos.

    Not exactly what you asked for but Sakura Tips has transcripts on her website so you can at least look up the words you missed which is handy and might help too

  2. I’ve made a few video taking a scene from an anime episode and break it down to pieces to understand some words and grammars.


    It’s a little too easy for you, may be.

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