Japan’s fertility rate drops for 7th straight year in 2022

Japan’s fertility rate drops for 7th straight year in 2022


  1. If you can’t afford to own property where you are, find a way to move to Japan. Property is cheap there and you can take a train everywhere.

  2. It’s still way higher than in Korea.

    East Asian countries learning the hard way about the biological clock.

  3. I had my 36-week appointment yesterday. Cost me ¥16,300, and the city covered ¥5000. That isn’t cheap, especially when everything else is getting more and more expensive. Babies are a luxury.

  4. A “decent” home is around 80 million Â¥en.
    It’s gonna keep falling and falling.

  5. Japan. Average IQ 110 birthrate below replacement.
    Republic of Congo: IQ 66 birthrate of 7.

    This is how idiocracy happens in real life

  6. It boils down to money. It cost money to raise family in Japan. The day where one single breadwinner bring in enough income to sustain family is getting rare in major cities.

    Also, Japanese government fail to recognize the important service child care worker provide to working couples. There are severe shortage of child care workers simply because monthly income is not enough to make it a career.


  7. Do think it’s big because Japan uses so much plastic in food packaging? All those hormone mimicking chemicals?

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