Covid-19, what’s the drill?

Been feeling ill for the past few days and I suddenly tested positive for Covid today. It’s my first time getting it and I know the rules became more relaxed recently but I’m not exactly sure the drill on when I can go outside or back to work… do I just go out when I feel better again ?

I’ve had a look on the Ministry of Health website but couldn’t find anything other than news of the status downgrade of the virus

Any information would be appreciated 😁

  1. First of all you should tell your company, and they should tell you what their policy is. My partner’s boss got Covid last week and he has to stay home for a week, working from home if he feels up to it.

    You should take another test in a week. Please try to stay home. If you must go out to buy food, make sure you wear a good mask and use the hand sanitizer. Try not to touch things you are not going to buy.

    The one week stage is where most people recover, but it’s also the stage where the unfortunate few get worse. If you’re feeling worse, don’t hesitate to call a local clinic/hospital. Better to call, not visit at first unless it’s an emergency

  2. Check with your work what their rules are, but you could use the old (no longer official ) rules as an orientation: Stay at home for a week. Don’t go out to places with high people density. If you have to go out for groceries etc. Wear a mask if you get into contact with people, but limit interactions to a minimum.

  3. What do you think? How about applying some common sense instead of asking the government or reddit to tell you what to do. If you have a contagious disease its considerate to avoid close interaction with people, whether the government forces you to do it or not.

  4. It is essentially now up to you. Your workplace may have policy so you should ask. Since the downgrade there is no special leave that covers covid anymore so your time off will come out of your sick leave (if you have it) or your annual leave.

  5. Covid got downgraded to the same status as influenza. Same as influenza is a contagious disease. So you should definitely stay home a week and then take the test again.
    These people saying that you should ask your company to know what to do. It’s the same for all companies when someone gets influenza. Why would be different for those with covid?

  6. I tested positive a month ago. The doctor gave me a government flyer advising me to isolate for 5 days. If symptoms are gone after that, you can do as you please. No recommendations on family members and other close contacts. I think it’s the same advice they give for influenza.

    Of course, these are just guidelines and not enforceable on the public. Your workplace may have other rules.

  7. Sometimes companies require a doctor’s certificate to trigger an extended sick leave. So, you need to get an official PCR result. Ask your company’s HR what they need.

  8. Pretend like you have bad allergies and keep going like normal. Pretty sure that’s what most people do.

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