Got an email from travel agent stating that the Visit Japan Web application is mandatory for re-entry

>Travellers must register via email on the Visit Japan Web for immigration and customs procedures before arriving in Japan. Please see more details regarding registration on Visit Japan Web.

Seems like incorrect info, even the link they added to the email is not working: [](

I will be coming back in June. I believe this app is no longer mandatory, buy it seems like it could speed up some procedures. Not sure if worth the hassle of registering though. Any recent experience with this?

  1. I entered Japan a week ago with no QR but I know others have been told they need it by American airlines staff at the time of checking bags while others on United were told it’s not needed. Seems like some airlines have not updated instructions yet.

  2. My wife and I used it a combined three times in the past couple of months. It’s very simple to use and we sailed right through the checks just by waving a QR code. Honestly, I’d say just do it on the basis that you need to provide all this info anyway, so why not just knock it out in advance and make it easier on the day?

  3. I re-entered Japan literally 5 days ago without anything but the little thing they staple into your passport when you leave, though I did fill a thing out when I got into the airport. There was a QR code available. I think the paper ones are easier to deal with because, well, Japanese UI.

  4. You don’t need it, you can still use the old paper slips that they hand out in the plane. But its nice to have imo, saves you scrambling for a pen and trying to write something on the tiny tables during the flight.

  5. I like using it for the customs declaration, but even though it’s not mandatory, I was still asked in the US recently to show I had it before leaving. No idea what would have happened if I didn’t. Japan side is fine.

  6. I’m in and out all the time and haven’t had to use it recently.

  7. I flew with Qantas the other week and the check-in desk insisted I needed it. I didn’t do it and was never asked for it upon landing at Haneda, but I was on my own. With a family I’d still be tempted to do it, just in case.

  8. I travel few times a year during vacation and haven’t needed it since the government said it’s not mandatory anymore. They still make you go through the steps at Haneda but instead it’s just doing a quick QR scan and putting in flight details that’s all. No idea about Narita.

  9. I used it back in early Feb but I can’t find the app anymore when I search for it for some reason. So I figured it was phased out.

  10. Wife came in from from the US on ANA a few days ago didn’t need it .

  11. Flew back in a week ago to Narita and it was either paper form on QR code. Guy was holding a sign at customs showing either is accepted.

  12. I re-entered Japan (from Mexico) just 5 days ago and didn’t need it at all.

    The only advantage is you don’t have to fill out the customs form. You just enter the info in the app and it creates a QR code. But there is a separate dedicated app that also does this.

  13. Canada Air required the QR code before checking in. I did the online form in about 10 minutes.

  14. The requirements have been changing so much, airlines and travel agents seem hit or miss lately on whether they’re actually up to date on the requirements. I’ve had them dictate outdated requirements several times to me in the last few months. The only thing the visitjapan webapp does now is customs, and IMO, it’s not that much more convenient than just filling it in at the airport, if you don’t want to bother.

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