Cleaning puke on carpet

Hi, kid puked all over the carpet. We were able to remove most of it using baking soda but the smell is still there. Usually I’d buy scented ammonia to remove it, but can’t find any in the supermarket (Osaka) Any tips on whar to buy?

  1. Ammonia is available at drug stores. You may have to ask the pharmacist because it’s usually behind the counter.

    Leaving baking soda on the stain for a full day (covered with paper towel) also works but it may not be practical with a child around.

  2. If any substance based methods don’t work, or are not possible due to risk of damaging the carpet etc an Ozone generator would do the trick. Just make sure that if you use it, to block of the room and remove any people, pets and plants.

  3. My kid puked in our car all over the carpet and seats. I cleaned it up with various chemicals for washing car carpet, smell came out after about two cleanings.

  4. Rinser cleaner machine (I don’t know the technical name, on Amazon the Iris Ohyama RNS-300 is one example) seems way better than throwing more chemicals on it.

    It’s the machine that sprays liquid onto fabric things, then vacuums it out. This is what you want, it will actually wash away the puke, not just disguise it.

  5. If it’s not cost prohibitive get an upholstery cleaner. They will clean any mess on carpet or furniture. The only “downside” is that you’ll have a clean patch so you’ll probably have to end up doing the whole thing.

    Mine is an IRIS Oyama one and was about 14000. There are plenty of brands and options available.

  6. Crayons to markers, piss to puke, a towel with some warm water and dish soap has eliminated everything my kids have thrown at our carpets.

    Follow up with cool water and no soap to eliminate any soap residue.

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