“Nihongo con Teppei”-style podcast with casual grammar

This might be a stretch, but does there exist a “Nihongo con Teppei”-style podcast with casual grammar? What I mean by that is a podcast that is possible to listen to for a beginner, that doesn’t feel like a dry educational podcast. If there even exist any podcast with mostly casual grammar I would be interested in it.

  1. Recently I’ve started listening to Let’s Learn Japanese from Small Talk!

    I don’t think I’d call it beginner-friendly but I follow along with what I can and sort of get the jist of it. There’re word lists available on their blog too [https://smalltalkinjapanese.hatenablog.com/](https://smalltalkinjapanese.hatenablog.com/) if you want some extra study material from it.

  2. Maybe these videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC8s8fuDziY&list=PLUqu4MKiV5q_msliiqZJSEscdPuwUAWG2 ? He also has a podcast, but it does fall a bit into the “educational” side of things where you just listen to someone talk for 5 minutes about a topic. The vlogs are more casual and are usually him actually doing something and since you can see what’s going on it’s more interesting IMO. He also does chat with his friends a fair amount too so it’s not just him.

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