Tips for N2

I passed N3 last year and plan to take N2 this year and need tips and resources to study for it.

To preface this I have studied Japanese for pretty much 4 to 5 years now (1 year and half in high school, 2 years in college) and now I have just been self studying with WaniKani and some kanji textbooks and just chatting with Japanese friends and watching anime with Japanese subtitles and reading manga in Japanese. It has helped but I feel like I need some other things to help continue my studying.

If there is anything you can suggest it would be a great help.

  1. There are numerous books on n2 specific grammar points and vocab. If you took the n3 you know they love testing on very specific grammar points. Take some n2 practise tests and see what sections need the most work and then focus on those; if the goal is the test, then study to the test.

  2. N2 (and N1) depend a lot on reading speed. A lot of people have trouble doing the reading within the time limit, either because they can’t read fast enough or because don’t have the stamina to handle the volume of reading. I would say rather than manga, practice reading prose. Fiction is fine, but essays are probably better

  3. I like to read asahi shinbun’s opinion section. It has a lot of n2+n1 grammar points and is very logical to follow. It’ll really push your comprehension.

  4. I like to read asahi shinbun’s opinion section. It has a lot of n2+n1 grammar points and is very logical to follow. It’ll really push your comprehension.

  5. I like to read asahi shinbun’s opinion section. It has a lot of n2+n1 grammar points and is very logical to follow. It’ll really push your comprehension. You’ll have to really grind out vocabulary at that level though.

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