New Japanese Fluency course – thoughts?

Does anyone know if this course is worth it? [](

  1. Is this the same guy that was selling a course about the Tokyo pitch dialect ? Guess that didn’t work out so well

  2. Why spend 11 months with this guy, when you can learn with Benny in just 3 months or just play a game like Duolingo or Fluyo.

  3. There is a video on YouTube that does a deep dive into him and MattVsJapan’s antics and their connection/involvement in scams. While Matt makes good content, he took advantage of the more susceptible people by targeting certain individuals who were gullible using a system of targetting e-mailing and requiring hundreds of dollars for some basic advice.

    The guy behind AJATT, Khazumoto, did a similar more egregious and degenerate thing by offering “guaranteed Japanese fluency” for the low low price of 10 grand. Apparently, Khazumoto made bank off of some individuals known as “whales” or desperate individuals.

    Why am I going through the effort to tell you all of this? Otherwise good and virtuos people at the drop of a hat will become corrupted by profit, not to dissimilar to the washed-up celebrities like Justin Bieber using his active social media following to get them to invest in some random crypto token rug pull is a prime example, but other well-known celebrities like Snoop Dogg and more also have a shady history.

    You are the target: a desperate person who seeks someone to “learn Japanese for you.”

    There is no secret. Take this from someone who studies every day for more than 6 hours. You will never make it if a site as obviously scammy as this doesn’t make you instantly run away, that’s the cold hard truth. Think for yourself, or others will do the thinking for you.

  4. Anyone that butchers katakana like that doesn’t deserve to have a Japanese course. The site looks like shit too.
    Reading the first 68 pages of a dictionary will make you more fluent than this garbage.

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