disappointing nickname ngl, Tsuji still rules

disappointing nickname ngl, Tsuji still rules

  1. Nah, gene blast can be interpreted as Cum cannon or Semen sender, Sex haver, man’s already being said to be a sex machine! Great legend

  2. They literally used an early 2000s nickname generator and picked the 2nd nickname that popped up

  3. The meteorite in his video is clearly the coming of Jenova, her parasitic genes causing the final reunion.

    Tsuji is Kenny Omega’s mom confirmed.

  4. I think its absurdly hilarious; i bet it sounds awesome and badass in Japanese (makes me think of Cyclops’ Gene Splice move from Marvel Vs Capcom), but can have an obscenely perverse connotation in english.

  5. my interpretation is that he is so explosive and his athleticism and “genes” are so POWERFUL that it’s like a blast.

    i guess

  6. Yeah, hate the nickname, but since he freakin’ rules and he’s an absolute unit, I’m okay with it. Gene Blast it is.

  7. “Cumshot” Yota Tsuji really rolls off the tongue nicely, if you catch my drift

  8. God, you could hear Kevin, Chris and Gino trying not to lose it on commentary. Now I’m picturing Charlton having to try to explain to the office why ‘Gene Blast’ might not be the play.

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