Yahoo Auction Account

Hi fellow expats


I’ve got a Yahoo Auction account i’ve been using for years

My card was about to expire – and yahoo started rejecting this card so i started using another card which was also rejected

I got my new card which is 99% the same except expiration date and it also blocked me from adding it

Not totally sure why

This is the error im getting and all my cards are getting the same





Can anyone help?

  1. Is it a domestic card? does it support 3d secure (本人認証サービス) or similar? it’s possible your old card was registered before the requirement was in place and now new one is failing it.

  2. Is the Japanese message youposted the entire message?

    It doesn’t specifically say anything about the card, so it may just be your account in general they are blocking. It literally says “Doesn’t meet the requirements to use Yahoo Kantan Kessai, so Yahoo kantan kessai can’t be used.” Whether it is you, the product, or the card that doesn’t mean the requirements isn’t immeidately clear from the message.

    I might try to call them to figure out what the issue is.

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