Using Rakuten Unlimited while abroad

Visiting the US next month and I want to double check I understand how Rakuten Unlimited works abroad.

My understanding is once I arrive I can turn on my phone and it will just automatically piggyback on whatever phone signal Rakuten is contracted with. Do I need to adjust my settings or activate something in the app?

Also I assume this does not use phone calls? My plan was to use LINE, Skype or whatever to get into contact with people.
These use data rather than phone service, correct?

What Im worried about is if I get an incomming call while abroad. If I pick up will I get a massive roaming charge? Or is picking up fine and only calling out induces a charge?

  1. >Do I need to adjust my settings or activate something in the app?

    You need to turn on international roaming for SMS, calls and data. I think those are on by default, so unless you disabled them manually you should be good. The settings are in the menu item 契約プラン, under the 国際 header.

    >My plan was to use LINE, Skype or whatever to get into contact with people. These use data rather than phone service, correct?


    >If I pick up will I get a massive roaming charge? Or is picking up fine and only calling out induces a charge?

    It depends on whether you use iPhone or an Android phone. For Android, receiving a call is free, but for iPhone it’s not. [Here is the official chart]( for international calling.

  2. You get 2 GB included in your current plan if you use more than that youll have to pay up!

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