Hi everyone.

I am a PH JET Aspirant and just today, I found out that the deadline of application has been extended to November 29.

I wonder why the embassy does such? Is it the same in your country? or do they stick to the deadline?

What could be the possible reasons for such extension?

  1. Probably, the PH consulate learned that some are having trouble processing their docs on time hence the extension.

  2. The excuse the UK extension gave was to match other deadlines worldwide, but if they’ve extended a bunch of them I think they may just be hoping for a bigger applicant pool. I think a lot of people have medical issues this year from Covid or mental health struggles and have had hassle getting physician docs in time.

  3. There was no extension for the US though… I am only moldy concerned because I do let asked for an extension (which was confirmed in email) and was granted but now the portal says the application was closed! I don’t know how to turn in my thing till tomorrow!

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