college degree for higher chance of employment?

I recently graduated high school (not in Japan) and I do plan staying here for awhile (already living here for around 10 months). I can fortunately attend college via online school but I do not have any passion or interest in any field so I’m okay compromising with reality and just make money. I would like to ask for advice regarding any stable field of work or a college degree that will increase my chances of employment. I am still working on my Japanese and I do plan on taking the JLPT. Thank you in advance!

Edit: I appreciate people encouraging me to find myself. I also cannot afford going into a Japanese University.

  1. If you truly have no preference, then go with solid degrees that are always useful: business; computer science, etc.

  2. You truly have no passion or interest in any field of work? What about your hobbies? It’s hard to give advice without any idea what you could potentially enjoy. Considering you just finished high school, you certainly have time to figure things out. I suppose staying in school and finding a field that suits you would be my best advice for now. Without a degree, it’s hard to even get a dead end teaching job here in Japan.

  3. I highly suggest getting a degree in Japan if your Japanese is good enough. If you don’t know what to major in, you can try aiming for the more well known universities (or Japanese ivy leagues).

    To be honest, big corporate companies usually hire new college graduates without assigning them to a specific department so I do kind of feel like your major wouldn’t matter as much compared to job hunting in other countries (I’m probably wrong don’t listen to me I’m just an internet stranger).

    Business, marketing, international relations will all probably be useful no matter what industry you want to work in.

  4. I’m confused, are you living in Japan or abroad? If not in Japan I recommend asking the movingtojapan sub.

  5. I know it sounds clichéd but take some time to find yourself. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, do you really want to walk into a line of work you’ll grow to hate?

  6. take any degree except humanitarian. A lot of offline work and visa related questions will require a degree.

  7. what visa are you on. No passion? Become tiktoker youtuber or onlyfans while doing part time job in japan, tell the world what you see here daily. It may be hit or miss but lots of people making 100man monthly just by streaming their travel and being cute girls

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