COE and Visa question about resume

Hi. I was living in Japan from 03/2020-01/2021. My residence card expired that March 2021.

I made an interview that stated the contract was 1 year. I told them I left early due to COVID and family care. They still hired me. I’m pretty certain I will get the COE.

My problem is I don’t know if they include my resume dates in the COE. I have to include bank statements, my old residence card, and visa pages. Will leaving in January get my visa denied when the resume doesn’t match? I told my employer before I was hired. I thought immigration kept entry and exit dates.

Do you think this will be a problem or am I over thinking this?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **COE and Visa question about resume**

    Hi. I was living in Japan from 03/2020-01/2021. My residence card expired that March 2021.

    I made an interview that stated the contract was 1 year. I told them I left early due to COVID and family care. They still hired me. I’m pretty certain I will get the COE.

    My problem is I don’t know if they include my resume dates in the COE. I have to include bank statements, my old residence card, and visa pages. Will leaving in January get my visa denied when the resume doesn’t match? I told my employer before I was hired. I thought immigration kept entry and exit dates.

    Do you think this will be a problem or am I over thinking this?

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  2. >Do you think this will be a problem or am I over thinking this?

    I think you’re over thinking.
    When you left did you make sure to follow the moving out procedures and make sure your taxes were squared away?
    If you didn’t you may have a few hefty bills waiting for you. But I’m sure immigration will be happy to let you come back so that you can pay them.

  3. Did you get a hole punched through your residence card when you left Japan?

    Did you report to immigration that you left your job?

    You will probably not be denied anyways, but it’s perhaps possible that they want you to write a letter explaining the situation if you didn’t do a clean exit.

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