(Looking for advice) Importing Food Products for distribution in Japan: A series of questions

I hope you’re all doing well!

I’m writing this post today to seek some advice regarding starting an import/distribution business for foreign food products in Japan. I have a particular interest in the Japanese market, and believe it is worth looking into bringing products here for sale.

There is, to my knowledge, some demand and only one company that sells a similar product to the one I have in mind to import.

As such, I figured I would ask the JapanLife community for guidance, insights, and experiences that could help me navigate the complexities of starting a business in Japan.

Specifically, I would greatly appreciate any advice or information on the following topics:

Legal and Regulatory Considerations: I’m interested in understanding the necessary legal requirements, permits, licenses, and regulations that I need to comply with when establishing an import/distribution business in Japan. Are there any specific resources or government agencies that can provide detailed information? I believe I’ve seen JETRO brought up in a couple different places but they seem to be for people wanting to export rather than import so I’m not sure.

Market Research and Product Selection: Can anyone recommend any reliable resources or methods for conducting market research in Japan?

Business Networking and Partnership Opportunities: Are there any industry-specific events, forums, or organizations that you could recommend for networking purposes? Additionally, advice on finding, distributors, or potential business partners in Japan would be extremely helpful.

Cultural Etiquette and Business Customs: Understanding and respecting Japanese business customs is vital for building trust and establishing fruitful partnerships. Are there any key cultural nuances, etiquette tips, or common business practices that I should be aware of? Any resources or recommendations to learn more about Japanese business culture would be fantastic.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management: If you have any advice or insights on navigating logistics, customs procedures, warehousing, or transportation in Japan, please share your experiences. Currently looking into 3PL companies and, while I haven’t decided on one yet, I’m trying to narrow it down to a couple of solid contenders.

General Tips and Insights: Lastly, if you have any general tips, insights, or personal experiences related to starting an import/distribution business in Japan, please don’t hesitate to share.

Thank you in advance for your time and expertise. I’m looking forward to reading your comments and engaging in meaningful discussions.

Let’s help each other thrive!

  1. JETRO is more focused on business from Japan to other countries not the other way around. Yeah, they can tell where to go but not more than that.

  2. This kind of stuff is better asked to industry professionals who likely have little to no overlap with the reddit community. Even if someone here answered these questions, I’d be skeptical listening to anything. Japan is rife with the most extreme bureaucracy the world has ever known.

    … Also this better be about Reeses

  3. Join your local chamber of commerce, look at Japan finance corporation, foreign mangers and entrepreneurs association. They all have business matching services and consultants that you can use to navigate Japanese bureaucracy. Hope that helps

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