
I don’t know where but there’s a hole that mosquitoes can get inside in my home, one of them gets in in the middle of the night and start biting me like it’s nobody’s business.

I have like 20 bites all around my hands. How can i get rid of these things?

And i have never used an AC before. I always get very sweaty here in japan when sleeping. Like so much sweat on my body and especially hair. I don’t know why. Should I be keeping AC on overnight? In dehumidification mode? If yes is 24 degrees is enough?

  1. If you’re getting 20 bites a night, it might be bedbugs, unless you live in a swamp.

  2. Mosquitos are attracted to heat. Mosquitos can smell your sweat, so turn on your AC if you have one. Unless you like waking up drenched every morning (hope you’re washing your sheets).

    Do you have plants in your house? If you overwater, it’s possible mosquitos have made them a breeding ground. We had that issue when we still saw mosquitos in November. Threw out the plants and the bugs disappeared.

    Use sprays like 蚊がいなくなるスプレー from Kincho. The mosquitos are attracted to the scent and it kills them. Only a couple sprays in the corners of your room is sufficient to do the job.

    Edit: OP seems like a troll. Don’t feed the troll.

  3. I used a/c plus a fan. Often I can switch the a/c to very low or off after the room cools down (not in August though).
    You need to find where the mosquitoes are coming in- probably not your bedroom window. Our main culprit is the front door so I put on this hanging mesh curtain over it to help.
    Last, before bed, you gotta patrol your room and check all the walls and high places for the little buggers.

  4. I use a fan all night plus the a/c on eco mode on a timer. I find that if I use the a/c all night, I feel drained in the morning.

  5. For sleeping, here is what I recommend. Been here 27 years lol
    Leave the AC on all night, set to around 28 degrees on cooler mode. Get a fan, have that on rotate blowing on you. You should sleep comfortably all night. Also, get a towel kit for your bed. It’s summer bedding that helps keep you cool and dry. Not expensive at all, Nitori is about 2000 yen

  6. Buy an Earth Mat or two, plug them in at night. One of those spiral incense sticks works well too, although the smell isn’t for everyone.

    Ensure all fans and vents have mesh on them. Your bathroom might be the entry point.

    If it’s bad, spray yourself with insect repellant before sleeping and wear long sleeves, but the first two should be enough.

  7. Actually I used to have a similar problem at an apartment I used to live at. I thought about the idea of buying a tent or mosquito net tent from Amazon Japan and sleeping inside it. It won’t get rid of mosquitoes but it will prevent them from biting you. Problem is mosquitoes might perch on the net and wait for you to exit. Anyway, if nothing works for you, that’s my suggestion.

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