Lost my wallet. How to withdraw money without debit card??

Lost (possibly robbed) my wallet last night at shinjuku. I have a visa Wells Fargo card and Apple pay on my phone.

Is there anyway I can transact cash for the remainder of my trip?

  1. Apple pay and set up a virtual Suica card for transactions in the short term. Call your bank’s toll free number right now and see if they will express a new card to you.

  2. Also, can you move your money online so that you only have the cash you need to withdraw at this time in your debit account, and everything else moved over into a separate account? I’d hate for your cash to be withdrawn by whomever has your card. Unlike credit cards, it’s really difficult to dispute or get back money withdrawn via debit card.

  3. If your cards were a Visa or Mastercard there is generally a way to sort out emergency cash transfers for these situations. Call your bank and they may set up a western union transfer or something to access money.

  4. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ATM that takes virtual cards for withdrawals. I think you need to call your bank for an emergency replacement.

    Try conserve your cash in the meantime; not every business will take contactless payment, but convenience stores very consistently do.

  5. As others have said, you can use your virtual Suica to pay at many places with your phone. But you won’t be able to get cash.

    I would call your bank and see if they can express you a new card if you’ll be here for a while.

    You should also contact the police box near where you were to report your wallet missing. If you’re lucky, someone has found it and returned it.

  6. Maybe you can use western Union, transferring the money from your bank account ?

  7. If you haven’t already done so, visit the nearest police box aka koban 交番to wherever you last had your wallet. Lost things usually are turned in there. I’ve lost my wallet and AirPods and gotten them back on multiple occasions.

    In the meantime, the suggestion of a digital suica or pasmo card on Apple Pay is your best bet. If you want to pay with suica, use this phrase:

    “IC (pronounced like I-she) kaado de onegai shimasu” – it means IC card please

    “IC (again, pronounced like I-shee) kaado de iidesu ka” – can I pay with IC card? (good for if you aren’t sure if the store accepts suica cards)

  8. Damn, best bet is to find someone who’s in the military and see if they can let you access a bank on base or you zelle them, and they’ll pull out cash for you.

  9. Maybe see with your hotel if they have a solution? Chances are they’ve dealt with this before, and if not maybe you could try to ask at the lobby of a big hotel chain? If they’re not too busy and you ask nicely they might help you.

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