Visa options for Japanese Girlfriend / US boyfriend

My girlfriend is a Japanese national and her visa is running out in June. She works for a Japanese company that will be sending her back to Japan. I work for a U.S. based start up company.

We have discussed marriage and are considering the options of what this would mean for my job, visa, and what the process might be like.

Is marriage the only option for my girlfriend and I to be together? If so, on a spousal visa would I be able to work remotely if I pay Japanese taxes?

If anyone has any other ideas for ways to either allow me to work in Japan or get her back to America in a reasonable timeframe that would work too.

Please help or steer me in the right direction. Thank you!

  1. >We have discussed marriage


    That being said, if you actually are in a long term relationship and are considering marriage, then ok.

    In terms of a spousal visa, you can work remotely if you want sure. The easiest way is to work as a contractor where you invoice the company you work for, and are self-employed in Japan. This means the company in the US dont have to do Japan taxes etc to pay you, you are responsible for them.

    Other ways you could go to Japan, get a job out there? If you have a degree and a job offer from a company its pretty easy.

  2. >Is marriage the only option for my girlfriend and I to be together?

    Assuming you want to keep your current job, yes.

    If you’re open to job hunting, you can try to get a working visa. But you’d have to work for a Japanese company. There’s no remote work visa.

    >on a spousal visa would I be able to work remotely if I pay Japanese taxes?

    Yes, but…

    See what /u/GibbonDoesStuff mentioned about being a contractor. You almost certainly won’t be able to remain a regular employee of a US company, because it opens them up to tax and labor compliance issues.

  3. Never get married for visa purposes. Ever. Nothing good comes out of it. It’s pretty much immigration fraud and takes one spite gf/bf to land you in jail.

    Can your gf find another job in the US? That’d be the easiest. Can she apply to go back to school instead? She’s gonna have to compromise because I don’t see any good options for you

  4. Honestly I’m facing the same problem, I’m currently in the military in Japan but I’m planning to go to university once I get out specifically Temple Uni in Tokyo. Before I leave island I’ll see if I can switch my Sofa status to a student visa. I too have a Japanese girlfriend.

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