Japan seeks over 30% of female executives in key firms by 2030

Japan seeks over 30% of female executives in key firms by 2030


  1. What is the average age of an executive in Japan? 50? These people started their careers in the 90’s. It will take another 20 years before we start seeing any change.

  2. This is the same goal that Abe rolled out in his January 2014 keynote speech “Unleashing the Power of Womenomics”, the “Davos Promise”. The only real difference is the date and scope. At the time it was “by 2020” and leadership in ALL areas of society… today it is “by 2030” and in “key firms”.

    Japan has actually made a lot of progress getting women into the workforce (mainly out of necessity). In terms of female leadership though progress has been largely non-existent.

    Edit: I should add that Abe’s speech in 2014 was based on a 2011 white paper and different iterations of this target date back much further still.
    For over 20 years it has been more an exercise in moving the goalposts on this issue.

    Edit 2: the Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office was established in 2001, but the reports and surveys on this issue go back to the 80’s. I just read a white paper from 1994 lamenting the low number of female Diet members… it is essentially the same today nearly 30 years on.

  3. This comment section did not pass the vibe check (but what did I expect 😔🤘🏼)

  4. If you give women the choice, most of them don’t want crazy 80-hour week jobs. Why would any man want that? because they’re crazy.

    Women are being reasonable by not choosing these roles. Why can’t we celebrate that?

    Usually behind a powerful person is an equally competent partner/spouse supporting them.

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