Stop Chikan: Catching the men who sell subway groping videos in Japan

Stop Chikan: Catching the men who sell subway groping videos in Japan

  1. I was expecting yet another bs article on the subject but this is different…

    I wonder if it’s relayed in the Japanese press?

  2. It’s great to break up this ring, and I applaud the work that went into this.

    But when I finish reading, I have a nauseous feeling because the systemic issues that perpetuate these cycles are left unconsidered, and almost closed off by the resolution that ‘well we caught this one.’

  3. “Uncle Qi’s Twitter account, where he openly promotes the abuse videos, is still active.

    Twitter did not respond to our request for comment. Instead, they sent us a poo emoji, which has been an automatic reply to any inquiry directed to their press email since March.”

    Jesus Christ

  4. So…what was the point of this undercover investigation? The article doesn’t mention anything about reporting them to the police. It sounds like at the end they just go, “haha, got you!” …and now the perpetrators are free to just start up their business again under a different name. Am I missing something here?

  5. Man! What a really harrowing and messed up thing to read about. Wtf is wrong with some people?!😰

  6. Fucking disgusting. You know it has always stuck me as very telling that in a country where prostitution is as relatively legal, safe, and inexpensive as Japan, you still have men who are only turned on if it’s actual rape. It really puts the lie to the whole notion that men do this shit because they are pent up, or that women are to blame for being provacative, etc.

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