WHV to resident visa in the interim? & option for WHV for Italian resident query

Hi all,

Sorry I know I have posted before but I am still trying to sort out moving to Japan. So I applied for a teaching job but didn’t get it (boo) I really thought I had it but she said I didn’t have enough teaching experience for the moment. My plan is to move in October over to Japan so I have the below queries:

1. Would it be best to apply for a working holiday visa now and if I get a job somewhere for the COE then I can change my visa type in the interim? I want to make sure I can get to Japan for October so happy to either do a year on WHV and then potentially go back afterwards with a permanent job (of course I will not look for perm jobs whilst I’m in Japan)

2. I was going to apply through BUNAC for a WHV but I think I can do it by myself an save £1000 – has anyone any experience of this at all?

3. My nephew is also going to be coming with me on a WHV just for a year, is the agreement in place with Italy and Japan yet for WHV? I have seen a lot of literature stating it is but just wondering if anyone had done it before at all?

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    **WHV to resident visa in the interim? & option for WHV for Italian resident query**

    Hi all,

    Sorry I know I have posted before but I am still trying to sort out moving to Japan. So I applied for a teaching job but didn’t get it (boo) I really thought I had it but she said I didn’t have enough teaching experience for the moment. My plan is to move in October over to Japan so I have the below queries:

    1. Would it be best to apply for a working holiday visa now and if I get a job somewhere for the COE then I can change my visa type in the interim? I want to make sure I can get to Japan for October so happy to either do a year on WHV and then potentially go back afterwards with a permanent job (of course I will not look for perm jobs whilst I’m in Japan)

    2. I was going to apply through BUNAC for a WHV but I think I can do it by myself an save £1000 – has anyone any experience of this at all?

    3. My nephew is also going to be coming with me on a WHV just for a year, is the agreement in place with Italy and Japan yet for WHV? I have seen a lot of literature stating it is but just wondering if anyone had done it before at all?

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  2. >Would it be best to apply for a working holiday visa now and if I get a job somewhere for the COE then I can change my visa type in the interim?

    You cannot change a CoE once issued, you’d have to void it (or withdraw an application) and then request a new one. But you don’t need a CoE for a working holiday.

    I think though that what you’re asking is if you can change your status from working holiday to something else without leaving Japan. The answer to that is maybe… It varies by specific agreement between countries (and individual immigration officers abiding by those specific agreements).

    >is the agreement in place with Italy and Japan yet for WHV?

    According to the Japanese embassy in Italy:
    >(6) Visto Vacanza-Lavoro (Working Holiday Visa)
    Il giorno 2 maggio 2022 è stato siglato l’Accordo Vacanza-Lavoro tra Giappone ed Italia.

    >Tuttavia, attualmente non è possibile richiedere un visto Vacanza-Lavoro poiché le procedure per rendere effettivo tale accordo non sono state ancora completate in entrambi i Paesi.

    >Non appena sarà possibile, l’informazione verrà resa pubblica attraverso questo sito.


    So not yet, hopefully soon.

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