In Japan, embarrassed employees pay agencies to quit for them

In Japan, embarrassed employees pay agencies to quit for them

  1. Most of the hiring process is done via agents, why not for quitting as well.
    Anxiety aside I’d be willing to pay for this if it means not having to make multiple trips to my former office and having all my documents organized

  2. Ah another entry to the list of “in Japan, people rent families”, “in Japan, people buy used underwear from vending machines ”, “in Japan, people train how to smile”

  3. Is it because the boss has threatened to physically kill them with a stapler again?

    That would be understandable.

  4. Working in recruitment, I’ve experienced it repeatedly. People get an offer, they accept, they tell their employer that they want to quit. Then they come back to us and say “my company won’t let me quit”… I really do not understand.

    Employment relationships just like romantic relationships have to be mutual. As soon as one party feels it’s not working out, it’s over. (A bit more difficult in employment relationships for the company but not for the employee)

  5. I want to run a business like this, but for people who want to quit *disrespectfully.*

  6. Best way to quit a job you don’t like is to not show up without warning

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