Question about Bookoff

I went to a bookoff store earlier today and bought a vita game (it was wrapped on plastic, and costed 1650 yen). I didn’t realise until later that there wasn’t a game inside of the case. Is this normal? Do they sell empty cases?

It’s going to take me an hour to get back to the store to ask about it.

  1. It’s not “normal” but if it was in junk section and clearly labeled as just being the box, then.. maybe. You could also try calling them, as well.

  2. My local bookoff keeps the cases empty and gets the game from the back. They show you the game and the matching localized serial number. Should be an easy thing to rectify if you can get back there.

    Also, yes some places do sell empty cases for collectors who are missing theirs. It’s usually clearly marked.

  3. Book Off will either ask you if you’d like to see the condition of the game as you purchase it or will open it up and show you anyways. Sounds like an error on the part of the staff.

  4. It’s not very normal tbh. I think the staff made a mistake.

    Please update after asking the store. I go to book off often so im curious.

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