First time making sushi. How did I do?

First time making sushi. How did I do?

  1. Try cutting everything in more thinner longer pieces so it’s easier to roll up. The way you cut the imitation crab and cucumber are too big for a sushi roll and makes it hard to get a nice clean roll.

  2. opt for strips of cucumber instead of half circles

    when you cut your sushi, cut side to side rather than up to down

    otherwise great first try!

  3. I’m going to say if you have access to an Asian grocer the imitation crab they sell will be 3x better.

  4. I would mash up the Krab and moisturizing it with some Jap mayo! Add cucumber. Should be fantastic CA rolls

  5. That’s pretty darn good for a first try! You’ve gotten some good advice but I haven’t seen anyone mention using a bit less rice next time. That would be my one tip!

  6. Looks like your sushi skills are a bit fishy, but hey, we all start somewhere! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Pretty good!

    It could be rolled a little tighter, when you begin rolling, make sure to tuck in the seaweed (don’t be afraid to use a little force) pushing the ingredients towards you.

  8. That’s not bad. As others have said try cutting everything into longer, thinner strips. I like the combo a lot.

  9. The only thing I would say is get your ingredients nice and flat, same with the rice. When you roll it up you shouldn’t need much pressure to get a nice firm cylinder (giggity).
    When you cut it up to prevent it getting smooshed keep a damp hot towel next to you and clean the knife after every cut to get the rice starch off.

  10. Great job for a first try! My first time the nori ripped and it looked lumpy. If echo others advice to cut cucumber in thinner strips and using different kind of crab stick. But keep going and share pics of your next batch!

  11. Maybe 20 years ago, my brother came back from a visit to our family in Hawai’i. He brought back a box of sushi, and Dad took one look and asked “uh . . . who made this?”

    My brother answered “I did, why?”

    Dad said “oh, thank god. I thought grandma had had a stroke or something.”

    Rolling sushi takes practice. For a first effort, this isn’t bad.

  12. Looks really good for first time. If you’re looking to make your rolls more straight, buy a makisu and use it to roll your sushi. You can look up how to make futomaki rolls on YouTube for a better explanation

  13. Ummm… It looks like this is the first time you’ve made sushi…. What we’re you looking for?

  14. Place the rice on one edge instead of the middle. It will roll nicer. Great job tho!! My first turned into a “rice bowl “ 🤣🤣🤣

  15. The cucumbers should not have the meat and seeds in there you should cut the cucumber I. Half length wise then cut at an angle to cut the top layer of the skin off and put pressure as you cut. It should be like a sheet of paper and then you cut length wise like strips. As far as the avacado and the fake crab better to make linger cuts vs chunkier . You can pack more in when the cuts are longer like strings

  16. Great for your first time!! I would suggest cutting your cucumber lengthwise and thinner instead.

  17. I’ve worked at sushi bars for years. Great placement of the ingredients.
    Better to use surimi instead of cheap imitation flake. Too much rice. Should be 1- 2 grains thick not 4 Aldo rice should go all the way to the edge. Having said all that I think it was a great 1st attempt. What brand of sushi rice did you use?

  18. Key with rolling sushi is thin layer of rice concentrated towards one side (leave about an inch of space at the edge of the left side of the nori sheet for example). Then cut all your ingredients long and thin, concentrate them on the other side (all on the right side for example), then roll from that side to the empty end. Makes for a good, ingredient filled, compact roll!

  19. Less rice, spread it thinly and evenly; seed cucumber and slice into long strips, opt for kani that comes in strips and cut it similarly, and cut the roll in a way that doesn’t smush it. Sushi making comes with lots of little details and intricacies, takes practice. You got this

  20. Just need to make everything uniform and same size and shape. Will help roll up easier and less pressure so it will come out round not flat bottomed

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