COVID-19 Border / Visa Restrictions Thread – March/April 2022

You know the drill. This thread is strictly for providing **factual information and for asking straightforward questions** about the current state of Japan’s border closure and entry restrictions for new visa holders.

*This is not an open discussion thread, and it is not a place for unfounded speculation, trolling, or attempted humour.*

*As with the previous threads, please refrain from arguments, airing grievances, whining, unrelated topics, sharing links for outside chat, trolling, or any other action that is not related to the border restrictions.*

*These threads are more strictly moderated than the rest of the subreddit: any and all comments that deviate from this will be removed and users who persistently break these rules will be banned. The mods have made this decision together. We ask that you respect it and behave like adults.*

  1. I think I already know the answer, but just out of an abundance of caution I will ask.

    I am currently double vaxxed (pfizer) and my third shot is tomorrow.
    I fly out on the 4th of may, and land on the 5th.

    1) am i considered vaccinated by Japanese standards?

    2) will i be denied entry if i’m not?


  2. [Japan Government Advisor to Propose Letting in Tourists](

    The actual proposal has been made now and you can read it [here]( (in Japanese). It is a very clear and direct demand for a swift opening of the border, vastly simplified entry procedures, increased promotion of Japan as a tourist destination overseas, and faster vaccination to protect the populace, signed by some big hitters including the head of Keidanren (the business lobby) and the CEO of Suntory.

  3. Oh god. Today was pretty crazy. So I ended up paying 200 euros for a Covid test at Schiphol amsterdam airport, turned out it was POSITIVE. I was completely shocked because I had no symptoms. Luckily my flight is tomorrow and I booked a Hotel nearby, in the Hotel there was another test desk. I thought: F*CK it.. I’ll try again. Another 150 euro spend on a test… Turns out this one was negative. What ended up happening is that my PH value was 34 on my first test, PH value of 35 is negative meaning that I was in my late stages of recovering from Covid. When I did a second option an hour later this one gave me a negative one. So just a tip: If you do get a positive result ask for your PH value. If its very high you can try a second time a day later and get a negative if lucky. It did ended up costing me 350 euro but its whatever. Anyhow, see you in Japan!

  4. I am trying to fast track in MySoS, by per-regestering.
    While trying to register my vaccination certificate, the page asks for details of third vaccine dose also (date, vaccine name ). I only have two doses (covishield-asterazeneca), but I am not yet eligible for third dose in my country (India). If I leave the third details blank, the page does note let me proceed to next. Please share, if anyone knows a way to handle this ?

  5. I should get my entry visa next week, and was planning on entering Japan mid-May, before starting work on the 30th. My company has said that arriving more than a few days prior to my scheduled employment start date could cause a potential problem such as simply having to explain to immigration why I’ve arrived so early, or on the more extreme end, I could be asked to go back to my home country.


    I understand that the country is currently closed for tourism, so how early is too early to be arriving in your experiences? I’d like some time to relax between the stress of moving overseas, and the stress of starting a new job, but I’d rather not cause any serious problems.

  6. Are exchange students (so non degree seeking students) allowed to enter japan for an entire semester?

  7. Hi! Does anyone know if I need to get a new/updated ERFS certificate if I had to change my flight date after my working holiday visa has already been issued? Could there be problems when arriving in Japan?

  8. Not quite an entry question but I figure someone here will know.

    I have heard that as a foreigner I need to keep my passport on me in case the police ask for it, but does the Zairyu card cover that requirement?

    I ask because I would rather not carry my passport around and risk losing it all the time.


  9. Can someone please help me find the list of countries that do not need to quarantine on arrival? I have a work visa and I’m coming from Germany. I’ve looked at the official website but I can’t seem find the answer to my question.

  10. I arrived in Tokyo (Narita Airport) few days ago and I will share my experience and some tips for you to make the airport process faster:

    FYI, from landing to Narita to leaving the airport, it took me 5 hours in total.I arrived at 18:00, I passed through customs at 23:00 and got my last train to my hotel at the last minute (23:11) .. so:

    – I would suggest you to land in Haneda if possible, since it seems like it is less crowded than Narita.

    -In case you can only land in Narita, try to get a flight that lands in the morning or early afternoon.. if you land around 17:00-18:00 there is the risk of missing ur last train.

    -Be hydrateted during the flight, the PCR test at narita is a saliva test , you need to spit like 2-3 cm in a test tube. Before taking the test, they will ask you/show u signs about avoiding to eat or drink 30mins before the test so be careful with that… I suggest you so to drink water/tea on the airplane and then the test will be so easy. I heard lots of people had difficulties taking the test after a long flight due to high dehydration.

    -After landing, the earliest you leave the airplane the earliest you can get in line and take the test and so get the result faster…

    -Of course install FastTrack, it took me around 30 mins to complete the “burocratic” procedures related to FastTrack at the airport : they will give u lots of papers u must fill and handle to the next counter, etc… this will happen 2-3 times

    – It took me 4 hours to get the test result. They will call an “indentification number” which they will stick to the back of ur passport when they give you the tube test for the PCR . They will call those number first in japanese, then in english. If you can understand japanese, this will save you some minutes since usually they called 80 numbers in a row in japanese and then repeat them in english… so if u understand when they call the numbers in japanese it can save u some time

    -The only paper documents I was asked were the PCR test and the boarding pass of the flight to Narita. All the other paper documents will be handled to you at different counters at the airport.

  11. For those that did the quarantine recently, how was it? Did the gov check on you daily in the MySOS app? Do you have to report your location daily?

    When you got tested on day 3, it states “don’t use public transport”, did you just walk to a testing site? (I read two types of tests are acceptable to)

    And did you get your results on day 4? Was it by email?

  12. I have just received my negative COVID test and the expiry of the 72 hour window is after my first domestic flight, but before my international flight to Japan.

    Am I safe?

    Question #9 in the MOFA FAQ seems to indicate that the only time the 72 hour window matters is when I board the first flight, so long as I don’t leave the airport. Is this correct?

    I’m a little worried, but due to the uncertainty of how long test results take, plus the 22 hour journey to get to Japan, this issue was nearly unavoidable.

    Thank you for your time.

  13. Flying from Toronto to Toyko tomorrow morning, with a connection in Dallas.

    Regarding the PRC test result and Japanese Government test form, do I need the original documents from the testing clinic or are copied scans sufficient?
    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  14. I arrived in Tokyo. No quarantine was required as I am from a non designated country and vaccinated thrice. The pcr test result at the airport took a hour. I had preregistered using mySos so everything was a breeze.

    I want to thank this subreddit and everyone who shared information in this thread for making my final journey smooth.

  15. Coming on a WHV – What did y’all do about OTP’s? It’s not a permanent move so I don’t want to switch them all over and I’ve checked it’s free to recieve texts, so just thinking of bringing my sim card with me and swapping it out when an OTP is needed, any of y’all done the same?

  16. Maybe this question has been asked before but I can’t find it in this thread.

    Coming 3 x vaccinated from a designated country, I still have to home quarantine for 3 (7) days. I live in an apartment with 3 other people, sharing the same kitchen and bathroom. Is this allowed as my home quarantine facility? I can’t find any official sources.

  17. Does anyone know if the officer will check your accommodation details – like your actual check-in/check-out date? (I am staying in the accommodation that my company put me in a week after my arrival date in Japan. The first week is somewhere else)

    Do they also ask you when you’re leaving Japan? What kind of questions do they ask you? OR they don’t ask questions and just collect all documents?

  18. Lots of great news about border reopening in this past 24 hours, but still not much clarity. Nikkei says “the government will make a final decision on lifting the ban on tourist visas **in two weeks**, when the number of coronavirus infections during the Golden Week holidays will be known,” so we have a little more waiting to do. (Use Incognito Mode if you are paywalled)

    Until then, watch those [Covid charts](!

  19. Arrived in Tokyo. Currently in 7 day home quarantine. I had MySoS fastracked (green screen) , and it was definitely a timesaver at Narita airport. My flight landed in morning, at Narita, so not a big queue in front of me. Overall, it took only about 2.5 hours, including the spit test at the airport.
    Thanks to everybody in this subreddit. I found a lot of useful info here, and you all are very helpful

  20. Anyone arrived to Chubu airport recently ? Can you tell me if there’s WiFi available for accessing MySOS data.

    I’ll prepare everything on paper as well just in case.

  21. what is fully vaccinated according to MOFA. two vaccines? or two vaccines + booster?

  22. I’m starting language school on July 6th, how much earlier does anyone suggest coming to the country? a week before?

  23. For those of you who got your COE, how long did it take for your COE to arrive after the school sent it to you?

  24. I enter Japan sort of late and will need to stay at a hotel in Tokyo for just one night before going to my apartment the next day. On the form for registering for MySOS, it asks me where I’m going to be doing my quarantine and I’m putting my apartment address. Will I get in trouble if I stay in Tokyo for one night? There’s no option for me to put down a second location.

  25. Does anyone know if your port of entry has to be the same one listed on your ERFS form? My company applied for it using Haneda, but I didn’t realize that and bought a flight for Narita. My visa application also lists Narita as the expected port of entry. Am I good to keep the flight, or will I need to rebook?

  26. Has anyone applied for a Visa at the Houston consulate in the USA? I sent my application via mail (per the instructions on the Houston consulates website), and it’s coming up on 2 weeks without any updates.

  27. Are there any quarantine conditions for the unvaccinated? Would come on a WHV.

    Thanks in advance.

  28. I want to share my experience so it may helps other people reading here for information.

    I arrived today at Nagoya Chubu Centrair Airport at 11:00AM and I was out of the airport after 1 hour and a half.

    First of all, just after getting out of the plane, there is a line for Fast Track (MySOS app). Along the way, multiple officers check that your application turns green (i.e. you’ve submitted every documents required by the application before landing).

    Then I arrived in a small test area with many cubicles and we were given tubes to spit it. You’ve to fill a good amount of the tube and it’s quite hard when your mouth is dry as paper.

    After that, I headed to a desk where they verified that all applications are installed on your phone (MySOS, COCOA and Google Maps). They proceed to put a code on the back of your passport just after that.

    Then, we were conducted to a restricted temporary rest area to wait for our saliva test results. It takes easily 30-45mins to have the results (and I was one of the first so it can take way more time I guess). When your number is called out (the one on the back of your passport), you can proceed.

    Once it’s done, I just had to go through standard immigration procedures (checking visa, fingerprints, face picture, customs) and it was done.

    I had prepared all of the papers physically (MOFA form, vaccination status, written pledge) but they were not asked by any officers. But I guess it’s still worth doing it, just in case.

    Also, my situation may be very different from anyone else because I didn’t spend any time in a “at risk” country in the past 14 days prior to departure.

    Save yourself time and prepare for fast track before to departure (you need to have the green screen). There’s a countdown to do it once you’ve started, so make you’ve all the papers before filling it. The countdown is still displayed after app turns green but there’s nothing happening when it reaches 0, so don’t worry about it.

    One point I want to add also is that your PCR test needs to be made in the 72hrs prior to your first departure. So although you have a connection flight in between arriving to Japan and it technically last more than 72hrs once you land, it’s right.

    Free WiFi is available in the airport, so you can look online for information even after your arrival.

    Before boarding for your flight to Japan, the air company will do a mini checking that you’ve all documents required by Japanese government before allowing you on board.

    All this process was very tiring and stressful, but in the end I could manage it and so can you lol. I am very happy that my wife and I can get married after more than 2.5years of waiting and not being able to see eachother. Good luck everyone!!

  29. Travelling from UK in about a months time, do I still need a tuberculosis check before I arrive? I am going to have my booster jab tomorrow too so that will shorten my isolation period. I still need a negative test tho don’t I?

  30. I’m flying Uk (London) to Japan at the end of May, can anyone who has done this recommend a vivid test provider who uses a valid testing method and did they fill in the approved certificate of testing for you automatically?

  31. I have 2 half sisters (same dad different moms) and 2 aunts (from my mom’s side) living in Japan

    Am I eligible to visit them?

    And if so, what type of visa would I need? I am a US citizen with a US passport

    I’ve looked all around the internet and nothing is concrete because everything says something else so I’m very confused

  32. Just curious if anyone has done remote desktop from the UK to Japan? I have a beefy PC that would be perfect, just…it’s obviously way too big to ship. I’m only staying in Japan for a year and I’m moving around a lot so I need a laptop, but won’t be able to replicate my desktops power in my laptop budget.

    Anyone had much success doing things remote? I think I’m just going to have to accept the downgrade, but I can wonder.

  33. I dont have a Phone number Till Narita Airport. I orded one to the mobal Shop. How does that Work with the MySoS App. Any Help would be appreciated. Little Panic Here

  34. Hi! I tend to just get tap water with my meals in the UK to save money/I like it anyway. Do most Japanese resturants offer free tap water when asked, or is it not the case in Japan?

  35. Hi! I’m not sure if this is the right sub (feel free to redirect me) – wanted to ask if anyone knows if transit visas are or will be issued any time soon? I’ll be moving to the US for college and the cheapest tickets from the Philippines rn are double stops at Osaka and Narita, which is self-transfer. I’d love to buy the tickets but the logistics for the transit visa is a bit concerning 😥

  36. I’m on my last day of self-quarantine (May 16th) and on the MySOS app it says the same date as today, but I have one question: Do I have to wait for the app to tell me that I’m free to leave my house or since the last date on the app has passed I’m free to go?

    I’m asking because when I searched it on the web some people described that they received a notification about it right after the last call, which in theory I already had, minus the notification.


  37. My family and I are going to Japan in two weeks from California. Can we just go to CVS for the Covid tests or is there somewhere better/easier/cheaper to go?

  38. Are you currently able to get into japan with a working holiday visa? I can only find info on tourist entry

  39. Hi All,

    I have to lodge an application for a CONFERENCE visa to attend a conference later in August. I am a passport-holder from a EU country in the 63 country list that didn’t require a visa application before the pandemic.

    While filling the visa application form, I found reference to an “**Inviter**” and a “**Guarantor**”. I would like to know whether I actually need to provide the Guarantor and whether this has to match the details provided by my inviter in the ERFS document.


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