Drivers license

I’m doing my conversion of usa drivers license to Japanese one. I passed all the tests and now road test. I’ve done my research but I want to see if I missed any pointers,tips,advice. If you have any that be great 😊

  1. If you’ve ever watched bus drivers in japan drive do exactly as they do and say “yosh” a lot particularly after checking all mirrors and before turning

  2. I’ll put my reply to the r/Tokyo thread here too, just in case (since the other one got removed?).

    Couple things to keep in mind:

    * don’t turn into the wrong lane
    * don’t turn the steering wheel by gripping with an underhand grip ([内掛けハンドル](; there is a “right” way to turn the handle, make sure you do it

    I was told by my instructor that both of those are an automatic fail. For me, I really needed to be aware of the grip because I would do it unconsciously when practicing. Took me a few hours of practice to break the habit.

    Good luck!

  3. The biggest obstacle in the test is the crank.

    YouTube クランク and pay careful attention to how they navigate it. If you can handle the crank, you’re golden.

  4. Take 1-2 hours of practice driving at the menkyo center. They will teach you exactly what to do during the test. Yes, it costs money, but if you fail the test 2-3 times you’re gonna wish you paid that money for the practice instead.

  5. I failed twice for being nervous and trying to recall the course, and during my 3rd try the instructors remembered me and just told me not to memorize the course and drive normal. I passed with no issues and it was way more relaxing. They told me they might ding points for missing a turn, but it’s not an auto fail, they just want to see you drive safe. This was at samezi btw, everyone has been v nice and professional every time I’ve gone, though paperwork can be slow.

  6. Passed first time while never have driven in Japan or taken practice classes. But have extensive driving experience on the opposite side of the road.
    Just stick closer to the left , don’t brake on the curves and follow what YouTube tutorials do.

    I think biggest issue is getting nervous if you make a mistake.

    During entering the s curve , I went over the curb but was calm, reversed and tried again.

    The person after me hit the curb and still passed , honestly if you know how to drive , it should be fine.

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