What the hell landed on my face??!!!

So, I was walking home from the train station on a beautiful starry night here in Kagoshima. I was walking next to a beautiful river in Kagoshima City, and was in a pretty good mood. It was dark, so there were plenty of shadows and was not so easy to see. Suddenly, something landed on my face. It was pretty hard, was quite dense, and it seemed to have pincers and legs. My mouth was a little bit open, and it actually tried to crawl in. My first reaction, (other than screaming like a baby) was to actually bite down a little, and I could feel the carapace kind of cracking in my mouth. The taste was not pleasant. I brushed it all off of my face, and couldn’t find or see what it was. I got home, and took a long shower to try to wash the taste out of my mouth and the feel off of my face.


TLDR; Walking home, I’m pretty sure a beetle landed on my face and tried crawling in my mouth. It was disgusting.

  1. Stink bugs are pretty dumb. They just helicopter straight into things and crash. They’re decently sized and taste/smell horrible when crushed. Could have smacked into your mouth in an unfortunate way while buzzing about?

  2. After the crunchiness, did you feel something creamy, smooth and a bit salty? If so, it was most likely a praying mantis or grasshopper.

    Did it have a bitter aftertaste? Stink bug.

    On the other hand, if it had tiny salty chunks (like salty nougats), it was a beetle.

  3. When I lived in Fukuoka a freaking snake fell out of a tree a few feet in front of me. Never took that road again…

  4. How about a cockroach? Last week when I got out of my car, a cockroach jumped at me from the wall of our house.

  5. There’s this tiny Showa-era man in our finance department who gets touchy feely during work parties because of course he believes its perfectly normal and acceptable. It could have been him that landed on your face?

  6. that’s it, i’m never leaving the house until it’s 15 degrees out again

  7. Well if you were in Okinawa I’d say giant tropical cockroach, the B52 of flying bugs

  8. Stag beetle? Or rhinoceros beetle. They like to come out at night and search for tree sap to lap up.

  9. I think the same that landed on a runner last night. I was having a walk after midnight around a big park close home. Japanese parks at midnight, extremely silent and dark. A japanese runner like 50m in front of me suddenly started shouting in pure panic, started hitting and slapping his own ankle, then silent, he looked closer, screamed as if he was being killed, same for around 2 minutes, I tried to get closer to ‘help’ him, but I talked to him and he didn’t even noticed. I backed up and walked away. I was afraid that he didn’t see me so he got even more scared for a gaijin talking to him.

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