Shirabe Jisho bookmarks in Anki app

I’ve recently started using the Anki app with the Core japanese Vocabulary decks (JLPT N5 right now).
This has been working great for me so far.
I also use Shirabe Jisho (on ios) as my main dictionary when I encounter kanji/vocab I don’t know on TV or in the wild, and save those words to my bookmarks.

I’ve tried importing my Shirabe Jisho bookmarks several times using different import options and field mappings, but so far I have not been able to get it to format the same way as the Core Japanese Vocabulary deck. It almost always shows me only hiragana for the word, with no kanji. Or if it does show kanji, it has no furigana for how to say it. It also says it has skipped most of the words as they are already in my collection.

Ideally, I’d want the formatting to match the Core Japanese Vocabulary deck where it will display kanji and then the reading and english definition after, etc. Same for the other way, with the english definition shown and then the kanji with furigana shown after. Also, I’d like these shirabe jisho cards in my shirabe jisho bookmarks deck to live independant of the other decks in my collection.

I’m currently importing the CSV on the desktop app and syncing, trying different import settings, but I keep getting the message that only a portion of the words have been added while the others have been skipped because they are already in my collection.

Perhaps someone can explain the proper way to go about adding words/cards and updating my Shirabe Jisho Bookmarks deck with my most recent export from the shirabe jisho app without altering my other decks and getting those cards to format correctly.

Any help on this would be much appreciated!

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