Would watching Japanese Content Creators help?

Would watching Japanese Twitch streamers and Youtubers help teach me via immersion???

  1. yes…or no

    * yes if you are at the right level of ability to consume that content

    * or, yes if you are incredibly into it and don’t mind struggling through it

    * or no, if it’s too hard for you

    * or no, if you don’t look up a lot of the words you don’t know

  2. If you can understand some conversational Japanese already, absolutely.

    If you were starting from absolute zero, there are other easier media that are still meant for natives.

    Sure, something like anime won’t go out of its way to make things easy for learners specifically, but remember that clear enunciation is one reason trained professional voice actors keep getting hired to do performances for those things whereas many regular people can and will slur their words just because it’s a natural thing to do when speaking.

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