Should r/Japan join the June 12th-14th protest of Reddit’s API changes that will essentially kill all 3rd party Reddit apps?

FYI this poll doesn’t specifically deal with Japan, but I believe that it’s an important issue that affects all subs.

On May 31, 2023, Reddit announced that they were raising the price to make calls to their API from being free to a level that will kill every third party app on Reddit. The protest will come in the form of a 48-hr. blackout of participating subreddits. Many subreddits are joining the protest.

Interested in seeing how this sub feels about the topic.

  1. I’m not affected as I use the stock apps, but I know it will impact people – especially because NFSW is forbidden on 3rd party apps either way.

    So, **yes** … Even if it means I can’t use Reddit for a few days.

  2. Yes.

    Should the Japan subreddits (r/japan, r/japanlife, r/learnjapanese, r/japanresidents, etc) all make a Lemmy so we have a place to go to?

    I kind of hate the whole Mastadon/federated style of thing, but it seems like Lemmy is what the other subreddit communities are reaching for.

    For example, here’s the one some of the programming related subreddits are tentatively moving to:

  3. Yes. Also my shop in Sugamo will be open for those who will have nothing better to do that day 🙂

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