Looking for dermatologists in Tokyo

Hi, as the title suggests, I’m looking for a good dermatologist within the Tokyo area (I’m also fine with nearby areas outside Tokyo). I’d prefer if they spoke english since my japanese is not very good at the moment. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

  1. [高円寺駅の耳鼻咽喉科・皮膚科なら荒牧医院 (aramaki-iin.com)](http://aramaki-iin.com/)

    Based in the north of Koenji. The main doctor studied in Germany and speaks very good English. She has never tried to upsell, and has helped me out a lot over the years.

    There are some complaints of wait times on Google and unfriendliness. You might wait a bit, but the staff there are very professional and friendly.

  2. One source of information is your Embassy. They get asked this kind of question so often that they usually have a list of English speaking doctors and lawyers on their homepage. It’s worth taking a look as I guess they keep it up to date. Sorry for not being more specific but that’s where I would look first.

  3. Hiroo Garden Clinic has mostly foreign patients because the doctor there speaks English perfectly. You can’t really make reservations though, so you need to either go early on a weekday (when it opens) or be willing to wait like 1.5+ hours

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