Lawyer to review and compare job contract details

Hello Japanlife,

Throwaway as I’m in a unique position and don’t want to jeopardize what has been offered.

I’ve received a very lucrative contract from a foreign based company for a position here in Tokyo.
I know this company well, but would like to have a professional review the contract they’ve put forward to make sure its air tight.
The contract is written in English.

I’m looking for a lawyer or professional who can:

* Make sure that my understanding of the terms and conditions is correct
* Make sure that anything that should be there is there and anything that shouldn’t be there is not,
* Compare this contract with my current employment conditions to highlight key differences (My current position is 正社員 with a large Japanese firm with a fair number of perks.)
* Provide insight on similar contracts with details as necessary

If anyone has any leads in this area that would be great.

Thank you,

  1. Legally I don’t think it is that complicated as no contract can break Japan’s labor laws. Health insurance, taxes pension should be run of the mill. I’d be more worried about “deceptive” compensation amounts. In that sense be aware of a low base salaries but inflated with allowances, bonuses or expected overtime.

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