Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 09, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Can someone please explain what the 性 suffix(?) adds to words? For example, 寛容性. How is it different than just 寛容, and how does it work in a wider context?

  2. causative practice: Was it your parent’s influence that made/shape you the way you are?
    my usage: ..そうさせる(correct?)


    BONUS: should causative sound odd is this ok?


  3. 遊ぶ事 vs 遊び事 which one to use?

    友達の家で(遊ぶ事・遊び事)を 行かせてくれなかった

    thank you.

  4. ベレー帽をかぶり丸い眼鏡をかけた丸い鼻がトレードマークで、彼のマンガには、自分と同じような人物がよく出て来る。

    Why is it 眼鏡をかけた instead of 眼鏡をかけていて?Is it because the 眼鏡をかけた modifying the 鼻? I had assumed that it should be かけていて since from my understanding, the sentence is listing down three traits of the person, which are (1) he wears a beret, (2) he wears glasses, and (3) he has a round nose, which is his trademark.

    Does the past form also have to do with the subject having already passed away?

  5. I just want to express my appreciation to Cure Dolly. I don’t know precisely why but I understand her lessons better than any other content

  6. I’m looking for some clarification because I tried using Chatgtp to understand a conjugation but I’m pretty sure it is wrong and now I’m extra confused.

    When learning about に気がつく (気づく) I was confused about why it became に気づ**け**なかった instead of 気づ**か**なかった in the sentence “なぜ、陰謀に気づけなかった!”

    When asking chatgtp about this it tried to tell me that nai is added to the verb stem but wouldn’t that make it 気づ**き**なかった instead?

    So I just wanted to confirm:

    * The verb stem い row ie the masu form -masu

    * Nai is actually added to the あ row not the stem

    * 気づく in the negative past would be 気づかなかった

    * 気づけなかった in the example is actually the potential form and that is why it’s different

  7. Does anyone have a recommendation for vocabulary learning apps (basically just like, gamified anki or something)? Want to make the dopamine-craving adhd brain work for me.

    I already heard about Earthlingo, but am looking for something a little more straightforward. N4/N3 level words if possible.

  8. Any websites or apps where you can search up kanji by 漢音 Kan-on pronunciations?

  9. causative sentences

    let me ask (him) if i can drive his car

    how is this? natural? wordy? suggestions?


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