New All JLPT N4 Quick Grammar Video – Good luck to everybody taking the JLPT!!

Hey guy’s!

Some years ago I started making these quick grammar videos and the N4 video really needed an updated version with much improved audio and better overall sentences. Took us some time but here it is! 😀


To everybody taking the JLPT N4 next month, good luck! 😉
I hope this video is helpful to some of you. I also made videos for the JLPT N5, N3 and recently also N2, they can be found in this playlist \^\^

  1. Neat. That’s exactly what I needed for a quick refresher before more in-depth study of N3 grammar. I will definitely be watching and practicing for a few days with this and N5 video then. どうもありがとうございました。

  2. im not taking the N4 right now but I’ll be taking a…watchamacallit like a skill check test? For a scholarship and I was planning on reviewing everything up to N4. Will be watching this vid in the afternoon thanks 🙂

  3. At the time of the test I’ll be done with lesson 21 of genki 2. Right now I just finished lesson 18. Yet there still seems to be so much grammar I don’t know.. even stuff that is not in genki at all. Thanks for the resource. I’m gonna have to do a lot of extra studying in the next month!

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