Should I omit an uncompleted teaching contract from job applications?

Long story short, I left a Korean hagwon early because of issues with management. I want to apply for an ALT position in Japan with a private company. Should I mention it in my past employment or will it look bad to have an uncompleted contract on there?

  1. Well first chances of an employer in Japan calling and checking to see if you worked at X place for as long as you state on your resume is effectively nil. Just say you worked from X to X. ALT positions (especially ones that are through dispatch companies) pay is low and the only thing they require is that you have a bachelors degree (for visa). If you from a native English speaking country your good to go. Don’t sweat.

  2. I left a job in the middle of a one-year contract before. When my next job asked me about it during the interview, I just said there wasn’t enough autonomy for me. No issues after that. Though, to be fair, I had enough previous jobs where I *did* stay the full length of the contract, so this one where I didn’t was obviously not a habit.

  3. Who has worked at a Korean hagwon that hasn’t had problems with toxic workplaces?

    They are not checking overseas. Do as you please. I would just omit it.

  4. I’m assuming you gave notice and didn’t take off in the night with a box full of hard drives. It happens sometimes – a better offer comes along, a loved one gets bad news, it wasn’t a good fit for you. If they ask, think of an answer you can give that indicates that you’re a responsible human being who has to leave a job sometimes.

  5. I wouldn’t include it and it adjust your resume accordingly… easy for it not to come up

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