Can someone explain 掛ける in a simple way to understand

It’s very hard for me to remember this word meaning since it has so many definitions but is this just used for an action you do?

  1. Cure Dolly has a good video on this word [here](; I would check this out if you haven’t already. Tbh, this is about as good of a broad explanation for this word as you’re gonna get.

    Fyi, do also be aware that this is one of those words that can take multiple kanji aside from 掛 depending on how it’s being used.

  2. There’s a cute song called かけるのうた about all the different “kakeru”s – see if you can find it.

  3. There’s actually a short story/essay-thing by 多和田葉子 (Yoko Tawada) entitled かける. Over ~3 pages she narrates virtually everything she does in the course of the day — ironing her clothes, salting her breakfast, lacking the headcount to do an improv show — using only the verb かける.

    This in mind, I think you’ll get more mileage focusing on the set phrases in which it’s used than on the word itself

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