regarding the japanese language exam for mext

hey im from a third world country, and i have my mext written exam in next week. In our country no one studies japanese in their highschool. so i heard from the past applicants that every applicants skip the japanese exam in our country in the scense like they attend the exam but leave the paper blank because they said there are minus marks for wrong answers…..
but i dont like to leave the paper blank …. is there any way to learn for that paper in this short period of time…. if there please let me know…

  1. I have taken the exam. Answer the questions you can answer, don’t answer the ones you can’t. To do well on the test you need to surprisingly know Japanese. So study Japanese if you want to improve your score.

  2. “That paper”, what paper exactly? How are we supposed to help you if we don’t even know what exam you’re taking?

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