This is the number one in the company right now. The top dog. The best in the world. But how do you feel about Sanada?

This is the number one in the company right now. The top dog. The best in the world. But how do you feel about Sanada?

  1. I like him, j5g is the perfect place for him and his current look is his best imo.

    I do enjoy his match format as its something different, but i don’t think Sanada has the wrestling ability expected of a WrestleKingdom main eventer.

    If Sanada and Naito turn the story and emotion up to 11 it could work as a wk main

  2. I like him a lot more now than when he was with LIJ. He started to become blah to me and needed a change.

    This was about as perfect a change as you could ask for. New group, new gear, new music, new man. And he’s probably walking into the main event of Wrestle Kingdom as the World Heavyweight Champion. Can’t get better than that.

  3. He rocks. Handsome, dope new finisher. So glad he finally made the jump to the top

  4. He’s just not emotive enough even after leaving the Cold Skull gimmick

  5. I like his reign and I think he’s done a good job as champ.

    However (and please don’t think this is a criticism of either SANADA or Gedo), I still don’t consider him as part of the very top-tier. For me, top tier right now is Okada, Naito & Ospreay.

    Okada still 100% feels like ‘the guy to beat’ – arguably that’s been the case for pretty much all of the last 10 years, but more so with SANADA as champ than Omega, Ibushi or Naito.

  6. Great, love to see him in this spot and can’t wait for his first G1 as champ. Think we’ll see him and Shingo in the same block

  7. I first started watching NJPW in 2018 during the G1, something about SANADA grabbed my attention. He won only 4, but the fact that he won any was impressive to me. He was so crisp, so smooth, and has an awesome look sold me on him. 2019 I was super frustrated with his booking as a frequent choke artist. He lost to Okada so many times despite the chances he was getting. 2020 I was deeply hoping he would beat Ibushi but that 2.9999999 kickout devastated me. On top of that he vacated the only singles title he had at the time due to injury. At this point I thought the ship had sailed. Gedo kept booking him as a geek, constantly losing and getting only single digit points in G1s.
    Finally 4 guys came along and made him into their 5th and shot him to the Moon. His time is here and I’m ecstatic.

  8. I don’t want to feel this but I think he is mid. Appreciate a change but his look is now bland, his new stable borders on comedy jobbers, new theme sucks and new finisher is just a ddt that’s not even sold like it’s all that. Willing to give it time to see if grows on me or evolves but so far I’m not that impressed.

  9. He’s good he’s not IWGP champion good, Okada is the only guy right now to carry that championship.

  10. I forget who said it but he kinda feels like one of those main characters in a show or games that’s less interesting than the enemies he faces, but you’re interested in what they’ll do in the encounters. He feels like a main character, but the problem is I’m not sure the lack, or semi lack, of charisma makes him feel like an actual world champ, even if I’ve enjoyed the reign so far

  11. He needed to change and leaving LIJ did a lot of good for him. I love his reign, to me it’s the most interesting IWGP World Heavyweight reign so far. (IWGP WORLD Heavyweight, not IWGP Heavyweight) He has great stories with LIJ, it’s different from the usual Okada formula and he kinda has the 90s NJPW top guy feel to him right now. The Muto influence is definitely there. I just wish he would stop doing the sequence where he stops the Skull End to go for a Moonsault and fail (every fucking time). Other than that he’s great and brings a lot of freshness to the main event.

  12. I was actually surprised he won but I’m glad nonetheless. I always wanted him to have his due especially after his match with Okada years ago. Hell, I even remember watching Sanada in TNA briefly in that weird ass James Storm cult. When he won the US title I was like “finally, they’re giving him something.” Then he got injured. 😕

    Either way im glad he’s getting his due.

  13. Love his new look, he reminds me of the classic Japanese wrestlers from the 70s and 80s. He’s always been a gifted athlete, but his skull end/moonsault always takes me out of the match. His move set is pretty good for the most part.

    I think he’s exceeded my expectations I had of him as champion, and I think if he gets a few of the 30/40 minute epics under his belt before WK there will be a lot of people looking forward to his match there. I’m assuming he will still be champion.

  14. I’m not a fan, probably never will be, but I appreciate that he did everything he could to be a believable champion: changed his look, improved his moveset and started to show more personality.

  15. I don’t connect to that new look, I loved old Sanada and out of all the directions they could’ve gotten for his main event push this is about as bad for me.


    The japanese fans seem to dig it and he seems to enjoy himself. He’s deserved that title and if it’s only for one ride, that’s well deserved.

    I really feel the just 5 guys group though


    I’m excited to see where it all leads to come wrestlekingdom.


    I think Him folding to Naito at wk even if it’s super obvious would be a decent conclusion to that reign and the perfect way to introduce another (I hope long) neito at the top era

  16. Sanada was always my favourite in LIJ, I still like him just maybe a little less than before.

  17. I was never on the Sanada train, but his J5G run is bringing out the best in him.

  18. He’s just fine. Obviously tremendous in the ring everything else is meh to me

  19. The only thing I dislike is his new theme song. The guitar is really obnoxious to my ears and the hook is a little corny. Other than that I think he himself is great and looks great and I hope he can continue to improve himself.

  20. Been satisfied with his defenses. Will be a test to see how he does in the G1 as champ. Don’t expect him to walk out of Wrestle Kingdom as champ tho unfortunately. Just enjoying the ride at this point

  21. It’s been about time…

    I remember his run in the G1 in 2019, if memory serves me correctly, he came dangerously close to winning it, but for some reason, they kept pulling the rug from under him.

    He’s refreshing, he hasn’t gone stale like EVIL did, and he has THE belt.

    (Don’t care what anyone else in wrestling says, you have the IWGP world title, your the man)

  22. That last match with Tsuji put him over for me. Great match, great defense, and he did it while putting over a new guy. He’s still not one of my favorites necessarily, but I hope he holds on to the belt for a while.

  23. So happy about this run. I thought if he didn’t do something big in the next year or so, he’d be another Goto or Ishii. I loved SANADA when I first got into New Japan and thought he had this top guy potential. Now he’s been rejuvenated and the presentation has already made this reign feel more notable then Jay White’s last reign

  24. I was glad when Sanada left LIJ. I was really surprised at his new look. It was a 360 for me. Yes, he’s very SEXY. I am more impressed with his in-ring performance. The IWGP World Hw belt suits him just fine!

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