is it hard to take pets from Japan to the US?

I know that it’s incredibly difficult to take pets from the US to Japan, but is it easier the other way around?

A few months ago I found an injured kitten and have been fostering him with the intent to find someone here to adopt him. I haven’t been able to find anyone and in the meantime I’ve grown pretty attached to him. He wanted nothing to do with me at first but recently has been playing with me and even sleeping in my bed with me. My dad passed away last month and having this cat by my side has been incredibly healing for me, since I can’t be with my family to grieve. I’m thinking about keeping him, but worried about how I would get him back to the US, as I’m a contracted ALT and will be returning next year.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks in advance <3

  1. What state you going to? Rules are different. But generally no not “harder” than vice versa.

  2. My friend recently brought an adopted cat from Japan to the US (Utah) and I think they just paid for neuter/spay and vaccinations. In total probably around 20k? I will ask them and update for total cost.
    Update: they said they didnt need to get the cat neutered (which cost 16k fyi) but they did need a rabies shot for 5000. Then they had to pay extra for each flight they took. They let the airlines know they were travelling with a cat and the airlines had them pay extra. Domestic flight in Japan 5000, international flight to Seattle ~$200, then they took a US domestic flight which was another $150 for the cat fare.

  3. I’ve brought one back and it was much easier than the other way around. I’m not aware of any onerous state level restrictions for cat/dog importation (other than Hawaii and Guam) assuming he/she is traveling with you and vaccinated.

    He’ll be quarantined at entry, which in the US will be minutes to a few hours to process depending on port. Again assuming you have vaccination records. All my pets are chipped and neutered which may have made it easier.

    By the time I got from the arrival terminal, picked up my car and arrived at the pet quarantine location, my pets were released as soon as I showed them my paperwork. No drama or questions asked and pets seemed happy.

    Going to Japan or UK was a different story and a total PITA. In the UK I waited at Heathrow for 6 hours in the pet quarantine lobby only to receive both my dogs covered in urine. And never once would they provide any status of why it took so long given we were the only ones there.

  4. Be thankful you’re not doing it the other way around. I brought my husky with me when I moved to Japan and it is such a pain in the ass with the waiting period to avoid quarantine. Going back home is much easier since the us does t have any rabies conditions for entry. I think they just have to be up to date on vaccines.

  5. leaving japan is fairly easy. you need a microchip, proof of vaccination, and an export exam at the customs office before leaving. the customs office at your port of exit will be super helpful with organizing all this paperwork with you, advise to start contacting them at least 3mon in advance. it can take time for them to reply

    not all airlines allow pet in cabin, and it is an extra fee (for cargo as well). pay attention to the carrier guidelines as well. i would 100% go for pet in cabin especially on a long international flight.

    just my personal experience, but US customs asked for zero paperwork and didn’t even look at my pup.

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