Question about Medicines and Yunyu Kakunin-sho

Hi everyone,

I’m an Italian girl and at the end of June I’ll go in Japan to study for 1 year in a Language School in Kyoto. I’ll not bring prescripted medicines, but I have some tablets for headhache, stomach ache, vitamins, etc that I think it will be better I declare in the Yunyu Kakunin-sho. I was looking at the manual of the Application for Import Confirmation but I’m unsure about something:

\- at “Basic Information”, where they want to know the address, I need to write my address in Italy or the address of my sharehouse in Kyoto?

\- at “Enter Delivery Information” what kind of information they want to know? The explanation is: “The screen for entering information about the shipping address of the imported goods is displayed.” but I won’t ship my medicines, since I will bring them with me in my luggage.

\- after the registration, when I’ll apply for the actual Yunyu Kakunin-sho, I can write as many item as I want? Or there are some limitations?

Since I don’t know the amount for 2 month for these medicines, I thought it’s better to declare everything I’ll carry, just to be sure.

Hope you can answer my questions! Thank you!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Question about Medicines and Yunyu Kakunin-sho**

    Hi everyone,

    I’m an Italian girl and at the end of June I’ll go in Japan to study for 1 year in a Language School in Kyoto. I’ll not bring prescripted medicines, but I have some tablets for headhache, stomach ache, vitamins, etc that I think it will be better I declare in the Yunyu Kakunin-sho. I was looking at the manual of the Application for Import Confirmation but I’m unsure about something:

    – at “Basic Information”, where they want to know the address, I need to write my address in Italy or the address of my sharehouse in Kyoto?

    – at “Enter Delivery Information” what kind of information they want to know? The explanation is: “The screen for entering information about the shipping address of the imported goods is displayed.” but I won’t ship my medicines, since I will bring them with me in my luggage.

    – after the registration, when I’ll apply for the actual Yunyu Kakunin-sho, I can write as many item as I want? Or there are some limitations?

    Since I don’t know the amount for 2 month for these medicines, I thought it’s better to declare everything I’ll carry, just to be sure.

    Hope you can answer my questions! Thank you!

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  2. Hi, I’m a former staff at a Japanese language school in Kyoto, I hope I can help you a little.

    One thing I can suggest, please inform all medicines, vitamins, etc. about your health and about the Yunyu Kakunin-sho with your Japanese language school administration staff who can speak English/your mother tongue. The more information you can provide to the school, the easier it will be for the school to be able to help you. I can assure you all of Japanese language school in Kyoto at least have somebody who can speak English/Italian even with limited proficiency.

    Another alternative while waiting for an answer from the school, try searching the internet first for the ingredients of the medicine/vitamin that you are planning to consume, whether it is sold freely in Japanese pharmacies. For the basic medicines for headache, stomachache, sore throat, influenza, cough, eye drops, ect., I can assure you Japanese drug store have a lots of option in there.

  3. I don’t think you should have a problem bringing well known painkillers with you.

    Personally I brought a bunch of paracetamol and even prescription medicine for 3 months and whoopsie no one cared lol I had no idea about prescription only being allowed for 1 month at the time.

    That said it’s better to have a look at what’s available in Japan. Like for example iHerb deliver over there and they have plenty of vitamins and such so you could just buy on there.

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